Disposable Camera Gallery

Disposable cameras are so much fun. I go through a ton of them. You might not think of disposable cameras as something a professional photographer would use, and in most cases you’d be right. But that doesn’t deter me.

Disposable cameras have some obvious pros and cons. They’re simple, fast, light, and small, but they take up more space when you want to carry more than one, and they’re just about impossible to predict.

One huge benefit that disposable cameras have is that you can take them places you might not take your “good” cameras. For instance, if you’re doing some urban exploration into old abandoned buildings, but you’re not sure if they’re all that safe, a couple disposable cameras are much easier to lose than your multi-thousand-dollar professional gear.
And “urbexing” also provides a great setting for the tone of photos that disposable cameras produce. Check these out:

You’re just not going to get those same shots with a cell phone – or even a professional camera. The disposable camera is in a different league.
It’s also great on vacations when you want to pack superlight. In fact, I’ll often not pack any cameras, buy a couple disposables at my destination, use them up, take the film out, and be able to travel in full photographic mode without being encumbered. That’s why you’ll see me with these in New York, Chicago, and more:

Travel aside, my homebase is Los Angeles, California, and there are plenty of beautiful informal shots to get down almost any sheet.

Sometimes the environment will give you extra props to play with too, like a couple of mirrors under a tree.

One peculiarity you may have noticed in some shots is how they’re exposed – a little “washed out” or bright in some areas. None of these photos have been edited – this is all purely in-camera action. It’s hard to predict if you don’t know what you’re doing, but I do (usually at least). That lets me get some visually interesting, dynamic shots.

There are no adjustments to make on disposable cameras. No focus, no lens corrections. They’re point and shoot, one button, that’s it. At most you can turn the flash on or off. So why do you need me taking your photos when it’s so easy to do yourself?
Because it’s pretty dang hard to take a good selfie with a disposable camera.
Since I’m outside the action, it means you’ll be in the shots, not just invisibly behind them. And I’ve got a good eye for compelling, unique shots.

Using disposable cameras has provided me and my models some of the most fun we’ve ever had with photography. Trust me, it’s an adventure every time.

So what are you waiting for? Come shoot with me.
Or check out my 35mm film gallery and DSLR gallery.