Digital SLR Gallery

Despite being a film enthusiast, I do shoot digital, too. As much as I love my antique cameras, it’s impossible to ignore the benefits a DSLR (digital single lens reflex) camera has.

It’s not uncommon for me to take a DSLR, a film SLR, and a bag of disposables out on the same trip if it’s going to be something I want to get plenty of coverage for. It’s easier to be more precise sometimes in terms of exposure, focus, and other adjustments.

I usually bring out my DSLR on dedicated shoots that are meant to veer more towards the formal side of informal photography.

Shooting digital is also great for extended vacations where I know I’m going to want to take a lot of exposures.

Shooting in RAW also gives me options for post-production edits that film just doesn’t allow. For example, this adventure in Joshua Tree – a famous national park near my homebase of Los Angeles – presented me with vivid colors in the surrounding landscape. You know how you can never really capture how majestic a location is in a photograph?
Well, editing RAW files to bring out those colors and contrasts can make those photographs a lot more like what I see when I look around. And I see everything with a lot of vibrance and majesty.

Since DSLRs can be both fast and take high-quality photos, they’re my favorite for shooting wildlife, too.

If your need is digital, or is better served by digital, I won’t be shy about it. I’ve been shooting digital for decades and can get whatever you need done with an expert touch.

In fact, I’m pretty proud of my digital gear and process. But I’ll save that for another time.

So what are you waiting for? Come shoot with me.
Or check out my 35mm film gallery and disposable camera gallery.